Professional updating and method make a difference: drills, exercises, services and tools for soccer coaches!


3D drills have been created with the software Tactics Manager since January 2019. (Old software: Pro Training 3D).

Ghost game: Attack and retreat


Shadow play to enhance both attacking actions and defensive retreats.

Tactical exercise: Retreat and defend


Tactical exercise to enhance GK's restarts, counterattacks and defensive retreats.

Tactical exercise: Enhance the counterattack


Tactical exercise to enhance GK's restarts, counterattacks and defensive retreats.

Combined Action: Three men combination, n° 6


Additional proposal to enhance basic individual skills (passing, receiving, shooting) and tactical cooperation within specific game structures.

Combined Action: Three men combination, Finalizing, n°7


Additional exercise to enhance basic individual skills (passing, receiving, shooting) and tactical cooperation within specific game structures.

Combined Action: Three men combination, n° 6


Last one of 8 proposals to enhance basic individual skills (passing, receiving, shooting) and tactical cooperation within specific game structures.

Combined Action: Three men combination, n°4


This proposal enhances basic individual skills (passing, receiving, shooting) and tactical cooperation within specific game structures.

Combined Action: Three men combination, n°5


This drill is a variation of Finalizing n° 4, therefore it allows players to enhance passing, receiving and shooting practicing another possible combination.

Tiki-takaing: Pass it to the GK


Exercise designed to train possession in case of numerical superiority.

Duel: 1v1 defend the ball for 5 seconds


This exercise is designed to enhance ball defense facing 1v1.