Combined Action: Three men combination, n°5
This drill is a variation of Finalizing n° 4, therefore it allows players to enhance passing, receiving and shooting practicing another possible combination.
3D drills have been created with the software Tactics Manager since January 2019. (Old software: Pro Training 3D).
This drill is a variation of Finalizing n° 4, therefore it allows players to enhance passing, receiving and shooting practicing another possible combination.
Supplementary proposal to enhance basic individual skills (passing, receiving, shooting) within specific game structures.
Supplementary proposal to enhance basic individual skills (passing, receiving, shooting) within specific game structures.
Combined actions train specific individual skills (in this case: passing, receiving, shooting) enabling players to practice and refine the basics of most frequent game play situations.
This exercise trains finalization following a tactical cooperation within geometrical passing patterns (rhombus).
This exercise mostly trains shooting, but also works on passing and receiving.