Tactical exercise: Retreat and defend
Tactical exercise to enhance GK's restarts, counterattacks and defensive retreats.
3D drills have been created with the software Tactics Manager since January 2019. (Old software: Pro Training 3D).
Tactical exercise to enhance GK's restarts, counterattacks and defensive retreats.
Tactical exercise to enhance GK's restarts, counterattacks and defensive retreats.
Additional proposal to enhance basic individual skills (passing, receiving, shooting) and tactical cooperation within specific game structures.
Additional exercise to enhance basic individual skills (passing, receiving, shooting) and tactical cooperation within specific game structures.
Last one of 8 proposals to enhance basic individual skills (passing, receiving, shooting) and tactical cooperation within specific game structures.
This proposal enhances basic individual skills (passing, receiving, shooting) and tactical cooperation within specific game structures.
This drill is a variation of Finalizing n° 4, therefore it allows players to enhance passing, receiving and shooting practicing another possible combination.
Exercise designed to train possession in case of numerical superiority.
This exercise is designed to enhance ball defense facing 1v1.
This exercise enhances players' hability in 1 x 1 attacking from different positions.